Tuesday, September 3, 2013


The bottom photo is the forest in Naikoon Park, Haida Gwaii.  It comes out onto a giant bog, the two above photos.



Sangan River reflections.  Nature's moving changing art.


More reflections from the Sangan River on Haida Gwaii.  The bottom three photos are taken from the same spot on the river but the image changes with the movement of the water and the leaves.  It is a very peaceful meditative thing to gaze upon.


The Sangan River on Haida Gwaii has many little stream joining it, flowing from a bog up high in Naikoon Park.  This is just a small portion of the beauty of Haida Gwaii.


These are recent photos from my trip in May 2013 to Haida Gwaii.  I love the reflections in the Sangan River.  This is just part of what inspires some of my abstract painting.

acrylic on wide edge canvas

This is an acrylic painting that I did for a client of a scene in Newfoundland.  It is painted on wide edge linen and 15'' x 18''.  I called the painting "Unreel" because that is the name that I called the boat.  The boat is also unreal because it's half the size these boats normally are.  The painting is about the house on the far right, a boyhood family home of the husband of my client.